Do we have enough water in the summer months?

Summer Water Supply

Do we have enough water in the summer months? Answer, YES!


Current Storage at Mercer Reservoir

The Rickreall (originally LaCreole) Creek Watershed, about 3.5 miles west of Dallas, supplies water for the Dallas Water System. The system has evolved from intakes on Rockhouse Creek, Applegate Creek, and Canyon Creek (tributaries to Rickreall Creek) in 1919, to the present dual intake system. In addition, water is stored behind an earthen dam about 4.5 miles upstream from the intake. Water is released from the dam when the natural stream flow is inadequate to meet the demand for water. The dam was constructed in 1959 to store 760 acre-feet (247 MG) of water. In 1972 the dam was raised to provide a total raw storage of 1,550 acre-feet (505 MG). Field survey data gathered in 1998 indicate that sedimentation in the impoundment had decreased total raw storage capacity to approximately 1,050 acre-feet (342 MG). Construction of flashboards completed in April 2001 added 215 acre-feet (70 MG) of spring/summer storage. Currently, the intake pumps are capable of delivering about 8.6 million gallons per day (mgd) to the water treatment plant. 

Summer Water Supply

In late June or early July, Dallas begins using stored water. On average, half of the stored water is used in the summer months. When the rainy season begins in the fall, the reservoir will typically fill up within two weeks. 

When experiencing drought conditions, the City will ask water customers to voluntarily conserve water. In a severe drought, water conservation measures may be mandatory. Water conservation measures help to ensure we all have enough water until the fall rain returns. 

Click here to learn about the Water Supply Expansion Project.

Click here to learn more about the Mercer Reservoir