Report a Concern

If you are experiencing a Police, Fire, or Ambulance emergency, please dial 9-1-1.

The Report a Concern Form will help us identify a problem in your area -- and address it as quickly as possible. Should a problem require urgent attention, please call us immediately at 503-831-3502 during normal business hours, or 503-623-2338 after normal business hours.

The appropriate department will be reviewing your report and performing a site inspection. If further information regarding your concern is needed, we will contact you via email. Typically, the person responsible for a nuisance (if a nuisance is present) will be contacted within 48 hours of staff receiving the report.

Your Contact Information
Would You Like To Remain Anonymous?
Please Select One *
Your Concern
Please Select a Category *

If you have photos of the code violation or concern, please note that in your description above and be sure to provide a valid email address. Staff will then contact you for the photos.
It is our goal to contact every person who submits a concern to let you know the status. Please be sure to double check that you have entered your email or phone number correctly so we can contact you. Thank you!