
Benefits of Composting

Why compost? Composting is nature's way of recycling. It is a satisfying way to turn your fruit, vegetable and yard trimmings into a dark, crumbly, sweet-smelling soil conditioner. Composting:

  • Benefits the environment by recycling valuable organic resources and extending the life of our landfills
  • Helps garden and house plants by improving the fertility and health of your soil
  • Saves you money by lowering garbage bills and replacing store-bought soil conditioners
  • Saves water by helping the soil hold moisture and reducing water runoff

How to Get Started

Interested in composting? First, you must choose a system for your food and yard trimmings. You can purchase rodent-resistant bins, create an open pile or use a simple bin, or use a system for just food trimmings (such as a worm bin or closed-air system).

Once you choose your system, you can begin composting. Thanks to friendly bugs and worms, composting is as easy as 1-2-3.

  1. Chop materials so they will break down more quickly.
  2. Mix "browns" (dry woody materials such as sawdust, chopped, woody prunings, pine needles and fallen leaves) with "greens" (moist, green materials such as tea bags, citrus rinds, coffee grounds and filters, lawn clippings, fruit and vegetable trimmings, and herbivore manures).
  3. Maintain air and water balance by keeping your compost as moist as a wrung-out sponge.

For more information about any of the information above, please contact Republic Services at 541.754.0444. You may also visit the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality website or call them at 800.452.4011.