Personal Preparedness

The links to the left explain what we as individuals can do to prepare to care for ourselves, and our families and friends.  Everyone needs to seriously consider adopting a family plan, which describes where you would seek assistance, and what steps you can take to protect yourselves and your property until help can arrive.  Please take the time to review the information available and prepare your plan today.

Each household should have a disaster supply kit ready in case of a disaster.  The site has helpful lists of items you may want to have in your kit.  Remember, it may be some time before emergency responders can get to you - you need to be able to be self-sufficient for at least 3 days.

Emergency numbers should be posted near phones and programmed into your cell phones so they are easily accessible.  In the case of an emergency situation, radio and television stations will help disseminate information, including warnings for Dallas.  The Police and Fire Departments will have direct contact with the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) when appropriate.  

During an actual emergency, the City will provide regular updates on our website and Facebook account..  Please check often during an emergency for the latest information.