Learn More About Unknown Service Line Material and Upload Your Picture Here!

Service Line Graphic

The City of Dallas is focused on protecting the health of every household in our community.

Did you recently receive a "Notice of Unknown Service Line" letter in the mail? As part of a required effort of every city and/or water utility in the United States, approximately 2,900 City of Dallas utility customers are receiving Notification Letters this month from the City of Dallas. Receiving this letter is NOT an indication that your service line contains lead.

The City of Dallas has not found any lead service lines in our system so far and do not expect to discover any. Residents with unknown service line material are receiving a notification letter that their service line is of an “Unknown” material. To help the City of Dallas ensure continued water quality and safety, please follow the steps outlined below. 


How to test your service line:

The City of Dallas must inventory every service line to meet EPA requirements. We can not update our list with verbal verification, customers/homeowners must submit a photo of their plumbing in order for us to update our list. The customer supplied photo can be anywhere on the service line, near the meter box, under the home, under the sink etc.

Below is a link to upload your picture and the EPA's step-by-step guide on how to identify your service line material. We greatly appreciate your cooperation.

  1. Follow the EPA step-by-step guide by clicking here.
  2. Upload a picture of your service line here. 

Residents can test their water at Waterlab Center in Salem; 503.363.0473; or visit the website here

For questions or concerns, please email the City of Dallas at megan.johnson@dallasor.gov with your name, phone number and home address. 


Additional Resources